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Contents of /10.3/main/finkinfo/net/seamonkey.info

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Revision 1.11 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Dec 5 19:16:08 2006 UTC (17 years, 5 months ago) by nieder
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.10: +14 -29 lines
some changes to match what's in unstable

1 Package: seamonkey
2 Version: 1.0.5
3 Revision: 4
4 Source-MD5: a1b98cd4d2d0f71d50406f8cd3885a5e
5 Source: mirror:custom:mozilla.org/%n/releases/%v/%n-%v.source.tar.bz2
6 CustomMirror: <<
7 Primary: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/
8 nam-US: ftp://ftp.tux.org/pub/net/mozilla/
9 eur-DE: ftp://ftp.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/pub/www/mozilla/
10 asi-JP: http://www.t.ring.gr.jp/pub/net/www/mozilla/
11 <<
12 SourceDirectory: mozilla
13 Depends: <<
14 %N-shlibs (= %v-%r),
15 atk1-shlibs (>=1.12.2-1),
16 glib2-shlibs (>= 2.12.0-1),
17 gtk+2-shlibs (>= 2.6.10-1),
18 libgettext3-shlibs,
19 libiconv,
20 pango1-xft2-shlibs (>= 1.8.0-1),
21 x11
22 <<
23 BuildDepends: <<
24 atk1 (>=1.12.2-1),
25 glib2-dev (>= 2.12.0-1),
26 gtk+2-dev (>= 2.6.10-1),
27 libgettext3-dev,
28 libiconv-dev,
29 libidl2 (>= 0.8.7-1),
30 libjpeg,
31 libpng3 (>= 1.2.8-1),
32 orbit2,
33 pango1-xft2-dev (>= 1.8.0-1),
34 xft2-dev,
35 x11-dev,
36 pkgconfig
37 <<
38 GCC: 4.0
39 NoSetLDFLAGS: true
40 SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib
41 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true
42 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/cairo
43 PatchScript: <<
44 #!/bin/sh -ev
45 sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1
46 perl -pi -e 's,\@executable_path,%p/lib/%N,' security/coreconf/Darwin.mk
47 ### fix for automake1.9 stricter parsing. Remove when moving to gecko1.8.1 (seamonkey1.1) or higher
48 perl -pi -e 's/(AC_DEFUN\()([^[,]+)(,)/\1\[\2]\3/' {{build,directory/c-sdk/config}/autoconf,nsprpub/config}/nspr.m4
49 ### Needed by programs linking against gecko (eg yelp) using pkg-config
50 perl -pi -e 's,lxpcom,$& -lxpcom_core,' build/unix/mozilla-{config,xpcom.pc}.in
52 perl -pi -e 's,NSSP,P,; s,nss,,' security/nss/lib/pki1/oiddata.h
53 ## The following is "for safety" : to avoid "implicit declaration" warnings :
54 perl -pi -e 's,\(XP_OS2\) \&\& \!defined\(DARWIN\)$,\(XP_OS2\),' directory/c-sdk/ldap/libraries/liblber/lber-int.h
55 sed -i.bak -e '/sqliteInt\.h/a \
56 #include "os.h"' db/sqlite3/src/experimental.c
57 #### MISC
58 ## configure fails to detect libresolv (hence the 'env' before ./configure),
59 ## and even if it would detect it, it forgets to add -lresolv to LIBS (Still true with seamonkey ??)
60 ## We put it as far as possible in the link line _ and just for the link that needs it, in order not to get
61 ## libresolv in the LOAD_COMMANDS everywhere :
62 perl -pi -e 's,^MODULE\s,OS_LIBS += -lresolv\n$&,' netwerk/build/Makefile.in
63 ####
64 ### Finally, ad-hoc correction of some install_names :
65 perl -pi -e "s;rules.mk;$&\nEXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS := \\\$\(subst install_name \\\$\(mozappdir\)/,install_name \\\$\(mozappdir\)/ipc/modules/,\\\$\(EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS\)\);" ipc/ipcd/{extensions/{lock/src,transmngr},test}/module/Makefile.in
66 perl -pi -e "s;rules.mk;$&\nEXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS := \\\$\(subst install_name \\\$\(mozappdir\)/,install_name \\\$\(mozappdir\)/plugins/,\\\$\(EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS\)\);" modules/plugin/samples/{default/unix,unixprinting}/Makefile.in
67 ### New with 1.0.1 :
68 # 1) till this version, the zapping of '-DXP_MACCOSX' in the patch file (this goes back to the first versions of mozilla!)
69 # ensured that no frameworks were needed on the link line... What is going on ?
70 perl -pi -e 's,endif \# WINNT,$&\nEXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS += -F/System/Library/Frameworks -framework CoreFoundation,' xpcom/build/Makefile.in
71 # 2) Non-portable use of sed (not even useable with GNU sed !)
72 perl -pi -e 's,sed \-E,/usr/bin/$&,' xpcom/typelib/xpidl/Makefile.in
73 ## To fix EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION on macintel (XP_MACOSX is zapped in the patch file):
74 perl -pi -e 's,XP_MACOSX,__APPLE__,' xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/unix/xptc{stubs_unixish_x86.cpp,_platforms_unixish_x86.h}
75 ## linking nspr with g++ when using --enable-cplus
76 perl -pi -e 's,cplus$,$&\n\tMKSHLIB = \$(CCC) \$(DSO_LDOPTS) -o \$@,' nsprpub/pr/src/Makefile.in
77 ## Uncomment to check builddeps:
78 # perl -pi -e 's,CPPFLAGS%%,CPPFLAGS -H%%,' configure
79 <<
80 CompileScript: <<
81 #!/bin/sh -ev
82 export CPATH=%p/include
83 env ac_cv_func_res_ninit=yes MOZ_ENABLE_COREXFONTS=1 ./configure %c
84 ## next is needed for extensions/java/xpcom/nsJavaInterfaces.cpp, when using "--enable-javaxpcom"
85 # not sufficient : trouble at link time then (for same symbols) _ make should be run in toolkit/xre
86 # (cf above comment "--enable-javaxpcom (needs xulrunner ?)")
87 #ln -s ../../../../toolkit/xre/nsXULAppAPI.h extensions/java/xpcom/src
88 make -w
89 <<
90 InstallScript: <<
91 #!/bin/sh -ev
93 make install DESTDIR=%d
95 # The following gets installed twice. To hedge our bets, put a symlink in one of the 2 places :
96 if test -f %i/lib/%n/ipc/modules/libtestmodule.dylib
97 then if test -f %i/lib/%n/libtestmodule.dylib
98 then rm -f %i/lib/%n/libtestmodule.dylib ; ln -s ipc/modules/libtestmodule.dylib %i/lib/%n
99 fi
100 fi
102 # Install NSS headers.
103 /bin/cp -R -L dist/public/nss %i/include/%n/nss
105 # These files are created dynamically.
106 rm -f %i/lib/%n/chrome/*.rdf
107 rm -f %i/lib/%n/components/*.dat
109 # Multi user setting.
110 touch %i/lib/%n/chrome/user-skins.rdf
111 touch %i/lib/%n/chrome/user-locales.rdf
113 # Empty installed-chrome.txt.
114 mkdir -p %i/var/lib/%n/chrome.d
115 mv %i/lib/%n/chrome/installed-chrome.txt %i/var/lib/%n/chrome.d
116 touch %i/lib/%n/chrome/installed-chrome.txt
118 # Install fink specific files.
119 install -d -m 755 %i/bin %i/sbin %i/var/lib/%n/chrome.d
120 # keep for the moment the file, but under the name moz-donottouch
121 # in order not to conflict with mozilla, to compare with the original %i/bin/%N
122 install -c -m 755 fink/mozilla %i/bin/moz-donottouch
123 install -c -m 755 fink/update-%n-chrome %i/sbin
124 install -c -m 644 fink/chrome.d/* %i/var/lib/%n/chrome.d/
126 # Move config file into %p/etc.
127 install -d -m 755 %i/etc/%n
128 install -c -m 644 fink/prefs.js %i/etc/%n
129 ln -sf %p/etc/%n/prefs.js %i/lib/%n/defaults/pref/fink.js
131 # Install gnome .desktop files.
132 install -d -m 755 %i/share/applications
133 install -c -m 644 fink/applications/* %i/share/applications/
135 # Install desktop pixmaps
136 install -d -m 755 %i/share/pixmaps
137 install -c -m 644 dist/bin/chrome/icons/default/main-window.xpm %i/share/pixmaps/%n.xpm
138 install -c -m 644 dist/bin/chrome/icons/default/addressbookWindow.xpm %i/share/pixmaps/%n-addressbook.xpm
139 install -c -m 644 dist/bin/chrome/icons/default/chatzilla-window.xpm %i/share/pixmaps/%n-chatzilla.xpm
140 install -c -m 644 dist/bin/chrome/icons/default/editorWindow.xpm %i/share/pixmaps/%n-editor.xpm
141 install -c -m 644 dist/bin/chrome/icons/default/msgcomposeWindow.xpm %i/share/pixmaps/%n-mail-composer.xpm
142 install -c -m 644 dist/bin/chrome/icons/default/messengerWindow.xpm %i/share/pixmaps/%n-mailnews.xpm
143 install -c -m 644 dist/bin/chrome/icons/default/calendar-window.xpm %i/share/pixmaps/%n-calendar.xpm
144 ### And all others remain in ???
145 # ls -l %p/bld/mozilla-1.7.11-5/mozilla/dist/bin/chrome/icons/default
146 # total 140
148 # Install a symlink to the docfiles
149 mkdir -p %i/share/doc; ln -s %n-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n
151 # rename nspr.m4 to avoid clashes with other gecko installs
152 /bin/mv %i/share/aclocal/nspr.m4 %i/share/aclocal/nspr-%n.m4
153 <<
154 ConfFiles: %p/etc/%n/prefs.js
155 PostInstScript: <<
156 # Empty files are now handled fine by dpkg, so remove the touches when certain it is safe --Hanspeter 2006-09-19
157 # touch %p/lib/%n/chrome/user-skins.rdf
158 # touch %p/lib/%n/chrome/user-locales.rdf
159 #
160 if [ configure = "$1" ]; then
161 update-%n-chrome || true
162 fi
163 <<
164 PreRmScript: <<
165 # always remove these files (not just on purge) since they're
166 # recreated by PostInstScript anyway and are not used for anything else.
167 # plus change it from PostRmScript to PreRmSscript to match w/ Firefox
168 /bin/rm -f %p/lib/%n/chrome/*.rdf
169 /bin/rm -f %p/lib/%n/components/*.dat
170 <<
172 SplitOff: <<
173 Package: %N-shlibs
174 Depends: <<
175 atk1-shlibs (>=1.12.2-1),
176 gconf2-shlibs,
177 glib2-shlibs (>= 2.12.0-1),
178 gnome-vfs2-unified-shlibs,
179 gtk+2-shlibs (>= 2.6.10-1),
180 libbonobo2-shlibs,
181 libgettext3-shlibs,
182 libiconv,
183 libjpeg-shlibs,
184 libpng3-shlibs (>= 1.2.8-1),
185 orbit2-shlibs,
186 pango1-xft2-shlibs,
187 x11-shlibs
188 <<
190 Description: SeaMonkey - shared libraries
191 ## Many "dylib"'s under lib/%N are in fact bundles, hence don't belong here.
192 ## Further the exact sets, both dylibs and of bundles, vary with %c _ and from %v to %v,
193 ## so we don't want to hardcode them.
194 # InstallScript: <<
195 # #!/bin/sh -ev
196 # mkdir -p %i/lib/%N/plugins
197 # for dir in lib/%N lib/%N/plugins
198 # do
199 # cd %I/$dir
200 # for f in `ls -1 *.dylib|xargs file|grep dynamically|cut -f1 -d:`
201 # do mv $f %i/$dir
202 # done
203 # cd -
204 # done
205 # mv %I/lib/%N/ipc %i/lib/%N
206 # <<
207 ## but I see currently no reasonable way to list the bundles that can be linked from shlibs _ and those
208 ## should probably for sanity be added here. Have some evidence that many of them in fact can...
209 ## So, for the moment, put all of them here too...
210 ## And let us add, for files, the subdirs lib/%N/chrome, lib/%N/greprefs and lib/%N/res _ trusting Hanspeter on this...
211 ## not really necessary to add dylibs with a script They're stable from minor ver to minor rev as long as %c is not changed, so no need to have a script for installing the dylibs. Remove all the commented out InstallScript above for %N-shlibs when moving to seamonkey1.1 or higher. --Hanspeter 2006-09-18
212 Files: <<
213 lib/%N/lib*.dylib
214 lib/%N/chrome
215 lib/%N/components
216 lib/%N/greprefs
217 lib/%N/ipc
218 lib/%N/plugins
219 lib/%N/res
220 <<
221 # The following depends strongly on %c. Adjust at the last minute.
222 # Here all shared libs are listed. One could probably consider those in plugins and ipc as meant to be internal, and omit them.
223 Shlibs: <<
224 %p/lib/%N/libgfxpsshar.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
225 %p/lib/%N/libgkgfx.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
226 %p/lib/%N/libgtkembedmoz.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
227 %p/lib/%N/libgtkxtbin.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
228 %p/lib/%N/libjsj.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
229 %p/lib/%N/libldap50.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
230 %p/lib/%N/libmozjs.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
231 %p/lib/%N/libmozpango-dvngx.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
232 %p/lib/%N/libmozpango-thaix.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
233 %p/lib/%N/libmozpango.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
234 %p/lib/%N/libmsgbaseutil.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
235 %p/lib/%N/libnspr4.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
236 %p/lib/%N/libnss3.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
237 %p/lib/%N/libplc4.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
238 %p/lib/%N/libplds4.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
239 %p/lib/%N/libprldap50.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
240 %p/lib/%N/libsmime3.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
241 %p/lib/%N/libsoftokn3.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
242 %p/lib/%N/libssl3.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
243 %p/lib/%N/libxpcom.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
244 %p/lib/%N/libxpcom_compat.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
245 %p/lib/%N/libxpcom_core.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
246 %p/lib/%N/libxpistub.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
247 %p/lib/%N/plugins/libnullplugin.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
248 %p/lib/%N/plugins/libunixprintplugin.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
249 %p/lib/%N/ipc/modules/liblockmodule.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
250 %p/lib/%N/ipc/modules/libtransmgr.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
251 <<
252 ### list of dylibs that have disappeared at some point because of changes in %c.
253 # %p/lib/%N/libDebugRobot.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
254 # %p/lib/%N/libnpsimple.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
255 # %p/lib/%N/libxlibrgb.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.7.11-1) seems to have disappeared .. ? Yes, after the switch from Gecko-1.7 to Gecko-1.8, so it never existed in seamonkey.
256 # %p/lib/%N/ipc/modules/libtestmodule.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0-1)
257 <<
258 SplitOff2: <<
259 Package: %N-dev
260 Depends: <<
261 %N-shlibs (= %v-%r),
262 glib2-shlibs (>= 2.12.0-1),
263 libgettext3-shlibs,
264 libiconv,
265 libidl2-shlibs (>= 0.8.7-1)
266 <<
267 ## Removed Conflicts/Replaces because nspr.m4 is now nspr-%n.m4
268 BuildDependsOnly: true
269 Description: SeaMonkey - development headers and libraries
270 InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/share/doc; ln -s %N-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n
271 Files: <<
272 bin/%N-config
273 include
274 lib/pkgconfig
275 lib/%N/xp*
276 share/aclocal
277 share/idl
278 <<
279 <<
280 Description: WWW, chat, mail, news, calendar, a-book, etc
281 DescDetail: <<
282 %N is an open-source web browser, designed for standards
283 compliance, performance and portability.
284 <<
285 DescPort: <<
286 GTK+2 build of the SeaMonkey browser for Mac OS X/X11. Compiled
287 with built-in support for GNOME VFS2, including app launcher buttons.
288 ORBit (orbit2, not just libidl2) is required to support the GNOME
289 system. Can probably remove dep on libidl2.
291 The whole shlibs stuff is gratuitous: anyway the src doesn' version shared libs for darwin...
292 Have no time now to patch that (it is not a single place to fix...)
294 Adding (in patch) %p/lib/%N/components to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH _ else links with qt3's libeditor...
295 (then added also plugins and ipc/modules, by analogy).
296 And then %p/lib, to make sure eg libcrypto comes from %p and not from /usr.
297 And then /usr/X11R6/lib between the latter 2, to make sure libfreetype.6.dylib comes from there..
299 Changed PostRmScript that removes registration (regxpcom and regchrome) files to PreRmScript since those files are not used by anything outside %N-browser. Furthermore, they're always erased now, not just on 'purge', which is the more proper method. --Hanspeter 2006-09-15
301 ## A bunch of warnings still to look at:
302 warning: invalid access to non-static data member '...' of NULL object
303 <<
304 DescPackaging: <<
305 After original packaging and porting of mozilla by msek
306 Simpler _ even for user _ to have just %N, %N-dev and %N-shlibs
307 <<
308 License: OSI-Approved
309 Maintainer: The Gnome Core Team <fink-gnome-core@lists.sourceforge.net>
310 Homepage: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey

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